Ah, I am so tired and feel sharp pains all over my body either of growing older...
Besides I almost finished my work today, I want to rest to come home...
It remains 5 hours and half hours if I leave my office... Huh..... -_-/
Why I am so tired... What I have a general fatigue... No, it won't...
The news said it will be so hot today, I worry my puppy endures this sultry weather well.
I reserved that air conditioner operates from PM 1:30 to PM 4:30 before I went to work, by the way I worry him.
Mir got back of health since this week and is being animated...
In any way, I think I will feed some boiled beef to him. Animal doctor who is taking care of Mir said the beef is healthy food to dogs. Add, Mir is 13 years old after June...
What I will eat some beef due to Mir after a long time...... :)
These days I am doing work everyday very hard and doing work of traveling pictures by Photoshop program, of course I'm taking care of Mir. I don't know I am dozing every night, so it haven't time to rest...
Anyway I think we have to live with a thankful heart to God. This life very short and it doesn't know what something happens to me. I started to know life's valuable since Mir had a heart disease, so we have to think very important thing day by day to us.
My boss is getting better, but maybe the doctor said he can't originally recover. Anyway he is rehabbing very hard to have hope, I thank God about that...
I and my co-worker went to hospital to see our boss 3 days ago. He wept and told sorry to us and I couldn't endure tears, it felt acute distress like my father.
Therefore we have to think to thank living everyday. At least I'm living like that, if I go to Catholic church every weekend or pray for my God everyday, I don't forget benediction.
I don't know that I do work very hard, think important for my bucket list at the same time.
So way to go, today!!!
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